We’re All In This Together...
That’s why 1st Class Plumbing Is Still Working For You.
As a nation we’re facing unprecedented times. A lot has changed since the discovery of COVID-19. One thing that hasn’t changed? 1st Class Plumbing’s commitment to our customers and our community.
As a nation we’re facing unprecedented times. A lot has changed since the discovery of COVID-19. One thing that hasn’t changed? 1st Class Plumbing’s commitment to our customers and our community.
Up Front Pricing. Know the exact price before we start. No surprises – just honesty. In fact, that’s why we will not increase our prices during this time.
Yes, we perform emergency service. We’re considered an essential service provider and must remain operational. Plumbing emergencies won’t stop just because we’re dealing with a health crisis. We prefer to prevent our customers’ problems before you’ve got an emergency on your hands, but if you have an issue, we’re there in a jiffy.
Professional, clean, courteous technicians. You can rest easy knowing that we are taking precautions to make sure our employees are following all CDC and local guidelines to keep our customers safe while we’re in your home. That includes frequent cleaning of tools and vehicles, sanitizing before we enter, and practicing social distancing while in your home.
We care about you, and we want all of you to be healthy and safe during this difficult time. Now through 7/01/2020 we’re offering $50.00 off any service you need.
We’re all in this together. Call 1st Class Plumbing at (214) 227-9554 and let us know how we can help you and your family get through this challenging time more comfortably.
Just fill out this form online, email us at info@1stclassplumbing.com or give us a call at (214) 227-9554 today.