Plumbing Solutions for the Home

Sump Pumps

Sump pumps are employed to help prevent basement flooding. The protection they offer is especially important in finished basements containing recreation rooms, offices and bedrooms. As the water table rises and falls through the seasons, the pump collects excess water and moves it away from your home's foundation. A variety of pumps and sizes are available including water powered and battery powered back up models for use in areas prone to power outages. We'll be happy to evaluate your needs and help you select the correct sump pump for your home.

Built-in Soap Dispensers

These dispensers are growing in popularity as homeowners take measures to increase convenience and eliminate clutter. Most styles feature a reservoir beneath the sink which is refillable from the top. They can be easily added to sinks in the bathroom or kitchen, where a second dispenser can be installed for dishwashing liquid.

Reward Yourself with a Whirlpool Bath

There's nothing like a good hot soak at the end of a long, hard day.

Whirlpool baths can be easily installed in many existing bathrooms, with little or no remodeling. A whirlpool bath consists of a pump/motor, in-line heater and series of pipes which use suction to circulate heated water and air through jets located near the base of the tub. Of all the plumbing upgrades available, this one is a favorite and with good reason. Ask us what it would take to put one in your home.

Instant Hot Water Dispensers

Wouldn't it be nice to have hot water at just the right temperature instantly available for a cup of cocoa, coffee or tea?

The perfect drinking temperature is always on tap when you install an instant hot water dispenser. Units are installed out of sight under the sink or counter and water is easily accessed with a compact faucet mounted on your sink. Give the tea kettle a rest and save time and money with this exceptional convenience!

Don't Get Burned!...An Anti-Scald Device Will Protect Your Family

In homes where there is a high demand for hot water, homeowners often turn up the temperature on their hot water heaters to meet this need, sometimes well beyond the 120 degree Fahrenheit factory setting considered safe. Temperatures higher than this can cause severe scalding. At highest risk are children and elderly or disabled persons.

In such situations, installing an anti-scald device is an affordable way to protect against this risk.

Scalding Facts

  • Hot water scalds account for 20% of all burns
  • More than 2,000 American children are treated for scalds each year
  • Scalding accidents occur most frequently in the bathrooms and kitchens where they are most preventable
  • Scalding leads to additional injuries such as heart attacks, shock, falls, and serious broken bones, particularly among the elderly
  • Scalding and other burns require the most expensive treatments: long hospital stays, costly skin grafts, and plastic surgery
  • Most U.S. states now mandate some form of anti-scald measures in building codes

Statistics Courtesy of: SHRINERS BURN HOSPITAL

Under Sink Water Filtration Systems

You and your family can enjoy purer, better tasting water with water filtration systems that stay out of sight and require little maintenance. For pennies a day, these systems remove undesirable chemicals which may be present in the water supply, along with lead, sediment, chlorine and sources of other tastes and odors. Options range from whole-house filtration systems to those which reside under your kitchen sink and are tapped at a separate faucet. If water quality, effectiveness and convenience are things you're concerned about, a built-in filtration system may be right for you.

Hot Water Re-Circulation Systems 

...When You Need a Lot of Hot Water Fast

If you demand a lot of hot water with minimal waiting on your hot water heater, a hot water recirculation system may be the solution for you. The system consists of a small pump mounted near the bottom of your water heater along with a swing check valve and return line from your farthest fixture. The cost of operating such a system can be minimized using new energy efficient pumps and incorporating a timer and/or thermostat to program the system to turn off when it detects ample hot water or during times of day when the demand for hot water is reduced.

Shower Without Fear of Hot Water Spikes

Nothing disrupts a relaxing shower like a rush of scalding water when someone flushes a toilet. This causes changes in your pressure in the water line supplying your shower, and when you have changes in pressure on one side and not the other, you will feel the result of different volumes of hot versus cold water. Fortunately, this common problem is easily solved by installing a pressure balance device on the hot and cold water that feeds the shower faucet to detect changes in pressure and automatically balance it. Alternatively, you can have the shower faucet replaced with a pressure balance faucet. Want to shower without fear? We'll be happy to help.

UV Water Filters Out Disease-Causing Bacteria

Ultraviolet (UV) light has long been used by hospitals for sterilization and has become increasingly popular for removing airborne viruses, bacteria and other contaminants from breathing air as it passes through circulation systems. But, did you know this clean, effective technology is also available for removing microscopic traces of disease-causing bacteria, viruses, algae, fungi and protozoa commonly found in water? The UV process disinfects water, preventing living organisms from reproducing, where other types of filtration simply remove undesirable non-living contaminants. Ask us about it.

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